
Monday, March 11, 2013

My Aching Ranking

Just finished this piece for Danny DeMichele, Internet Marketing Strategist.

SEO! Did your eyes just glaze over?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is not a topic I like to read about. SEO, conducted by a professional, uses acquired experience and familiarity with the vagaries and changes of search engines to boost the image of a website. My website. In a cluttered world! I’m frustrated by my inability, so far, to get traffic higher and yet, can’t find the energy to be self-taught.

A couple of years ago, a local blogger announced he hit three million visits to his site. I was at 400,000. This week, he announced he had reached eight million visits. I have now received over 550,000. We both post consistently. I don’t consider him a better writer or better connected. He is not focused any more than I am on a particular area. We both are like Instapundit written by Glenn Reynolds. We all three cover everything we find interesting.

I know what I need. I need someone specializing in "seo consulting services." I need a professional with years of experience to tell me, I need to do this, this and this to improve my rankings, to garner more traffic, that will generate more revenue from ads.

Maybe, if you are like me, it’s time to hire some "seo consulting services.” Where do we start? Why not start with Danny DeMichele, Internet Marketing Strategist. He worked hard to acquire the knowledge to boost the brands of large and small businesses for over ten years. After all, when 60 million each year go online searching for a business like yours and mine, you and I want to be found on the first page. It’s time to call Danny DeMichele master of "seo consulting services" at (214) 414-0147.