
Monday, November 29, 2010


Day Three:

David Trottier writes in "The Freelance Writer's Bible" that freewriting is a method of writing without restraints that allows our subconscious to push information into our consciousness.  On pages 64-65 writing about generating ideas he tells us about freewriting:
You simply remain open with no expectation.Write whatever comes into your head., no matter how off-the-wall.  Keep writing for ten minute.  Just let whatever is inside you gush out.  Do not evaluate it or correct the spelling as you go.
 So here goes.  I'm freewriting ANND THINKING ABOUT THE MOVIE i SAW WITH MY WIFE ON sATURDAY NIGHT AFTER THE oREGON sTATE F\GAME THAT WAS SUCH A BLOWOUT BY sTANFORD.  #8 04 48 TO NOTHING.  f|dOES IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE WHAT THE SV\CORE WAS . iT WAS A LOSS NOW INORDER TO BECOME bOWL ELIGIBLE THEY MUST BEAT oREGON IN THE cIVIL wAR.  lIKE THAT'S GOING TOP HAPPEN!  cvRAIG AND cAROL O\PICKED US UP AND WE DROVE TO THE hOLLYWOODTHEATER .  i MENTIONED THAT WHERE WE PARKED WAS WHERE OUR FAmily lived when I was in 5th grade.  I went to Laurel \hurst that one year.  Our landlord lived across the street and one day dad was asked to help her move some furniture.  Under her bed were packages the size of bundles of money .  Dad didn;t look inside but he was sure bothered for the rest of his days that he didn't.  The moviw we saw was Tmara Drewe'  It concerned a writers colony in England where sic\x aetists went each seasi\=on to be in the compoany of this very successful wwriter.  He had published a series of fictional novels.  In the movie was a real looker, her real name is Gemma Aterton,  One i\of the first scenes is Gemma or Tamara climbing io\over a fence in cutoff denim shorts and s\\as she wak\=lks toward our group of writers we see that her very lovely cheeks are hanging down below the shrts.,  Coiurtbey Cox stoler my libido when she appeared in a movie driving a fork lift and saod "Watch our\\t I might Fork you,"  Then thet\re was Michele Pfieffer, who ne3ver returned my phomne calls.  Well anyone who \would matrry David arquette or not return my phome calls needs to be dropped in favor of Gemma.  Great movie, an indie, hasn;t made much at the boxoffice.

Gad!  I can't type worth s--t!  My mind was racing while I was typing and I didn't look back to correct my spelling or punctuation or to uncap the CAPS.

I think this is a great idea and will help me with a story I was trying to write.  I was trying to imagine why my character would do the things he did.  The story is based on a real life situation.  I think if I freewrite on the subject, get out of my logical brain into my right brain, I could come up with reasons for his actions.

Tomorrow I write about "my legacy."

Do you have any stories about freewriting?  Would you share them with us?

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